Hybrid on Zoom and in-person at 2200 Hillside Ave. (Centennial United Methodist Church)
The St. Anthony Park Caregiver Support Group is a caring peer group that meets monthly to share joys and concerns, offer a safe space to be heard, share ideas and resources. The group is led by Katharine Tondra (SAPAS) and Jean Bendt (St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church parish nurse).
The group meets on the first Thursday of every month from 10:00 - 11:00 am. Currently this group is meeting as a hybrid through Zoom and in person at Centennial United Methodist Church (2200 Hillside Ave.)
The group is offered at no charge and is available to everyone regardless of age or residency. No registration is required. Newcomers are always welcome.
iPads are available to borrow through St. Anthony Park Area Seniors. Contact our office at 651-642-9052 to get the Zoom link.