We depend on community support!

Our funding comes from federal and state agencies, community foundations and the generosity of friends, volunteers, service recipients and businesses in the neighborhood. We also rely on many volunteers to provide services for our clients. St. Anthony Park Area Seniors maintains  a 501 (c) (3) exempt status.  Therefore, donors may deduct contributions to the program as provided in section 170 of the IRS code.  

We make an annual fall fundraising appeal to neighbors and neighborhood businesses. Also, twice each year we send out a solicitation for contribution to those who have directly used our services and/or participated in our activities.  Participants are asked to share in the cost of providing these services and activities to any extent that they are able to do so.  Being able to participate in activities or receive services is not dependent on a participant's contribution.

Here's how you can help:

Make a Donation

Please help us reach our goal for 2023-24 of $45,500. Remember, every little bit helps!

GiveMN Online

Visit the GiveMN website to make a donation. 

GiveMN Donations

PayPal Online

Visit the PayPal website to make a donation. We are a registered charity with PayPal, so there are NO FEES associated with your donation through PayPal!

PayPal Donations

In Person

Drop off a check or cash

  • St. Anthony Park Area Seniors
    2200 Hillside Avenue
    St. Paul, MN 55108


Send us a check, make your check out to "St. Anthony Park Seniors", and mail to the address below:

  • St. Anthony Park Area Seniors
    PO Box 8086
    St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Automatic Deduction

  • Set up a regular supporting payment as an automatic deduction from your bank account
  • Call the office at 651-642-9052 for more information.

Leave a Legacy

Remember St. Anthony Park Area Seniors in your will!

If St. Anthony Park Area Seniors is important to you, a simple but profound way to express your appreciation is to make a planned gift.  Bequests through a will or other planned giving options provide much needed funding for St. Anthony Park Area Seniors.

Matching Gifts are Welcome!

Many local companies will provide matching gifts when their employees support non-profits such as St. Anthony Park Area Seniors with either a donation or volunteer time.  Check with your employer to see if you have a matching gift program.  

For Thrivent Financial Members

If you’re an eligible Thrivent Financial member and have Choice Dollars® available to direct, please keep us in mind. For more info or to direct Choice Dollars, call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice" or visit their website.